My Birthday Story
Sep 05, 2022
🎧 👉 Prefer audio? You can also listen to me share about this in podcast episode #016 here.
This Wednesday, I turn 47 years young/old!
Years ago, I came across a little 3” x 5” notebook with a panda bear on the cover that had my Mom’s handwritten notes inside about the day I was born.
Fun Fact...I kid you not:
DR. STRANGE delivered me into this world!
(Seriously, that was the doctor's name!)
I haven’t read these notes in many years, so it’s almost as if I’m reading them for the first time, and you get to hear my reactions as I go. Have a listen to me read this live in 🎙️podcast episode #016. You'll also learn where my parents found my name, “Charis.”
Mom had written this poem on the back of a page:
"Nine Months Crawling" by Jonellen B. Heckler
Into the corner she goes.
Her portrait: a diaper, toes.
She picks at a speck,
a thread, a crumb, a fleck.
The housewife's thrill
is mother's girl.
What the vacuum misses,
she finds and kisses.
And here are the notes she wrote about my birth:
Water broke at 10:10. Called Dr. Strange and got really nervous. The answering service said congratulations. Funny! Dr. said sounds like (the) real thing if labor doesn't start before 12:00 midnight, to go in anyway at 12:00 and have a check.
I did a load of clothes; we thought we had all day to goof around.
Oh, first I curled my hair really curly!! Paul vacuumed. We had Cheerios for breakfast.
Then at 12:00 had contractions. I thought they were to be very mild at first, even maybe 20 min. apart.
Ho! Ho! I couldn't tell when started or ended. Darling Paul was trying to time them. I told him I thought I was starting another one!
The look on his face was something else. They were only 4 to 5 min apart.
This was not like the book said! I still did not want to rush. I don't know why! I went in and brushed my teeth again! Told Paul I wanted fresh breath, and he about fell on the floor. I could hardly get dressed. I had to sit down every time I moved.
We didn't even try to time them. We decided to go to (the) hospital right now!! I started to put my bra on and Paul grabbed it and threw it in the case. He couldn't believe I was taking my time.
Got dressed. Said goodbye to Buffy (dog). He knew what was going on. He followed me everywhere I went.
We started to walk towards (the) car, had a contraction, had to stand still, then got in (the) car. Paul did drive faster than usual. I probably had 3 or 4 contractions on the way.
We went to (the) emergency door, but they were really busy, so we went on up to the 2nd floor (contractions on the way) Nurse about flipped!!! Supposed to have a wheelchair downstairs for me! Told her I needed exercise! HA! HA! Exercise is what I got!! Got undressed.
They put an IV (Glucose) (& gin) HA HA! I told Paul I'd get a martini one way or another. No olive, though.
Then she checked me. I had dilated 4 or 5 cents. Can't really remember!
Paul was so beautiful. He leaned over all the time, holding me, telling me how much he loved me, to relax & take deep breaths. I could not have handled it alone. After a couple of contractions, I just about lost my cool. Paul would say Relax; I wanted to slug him right in the kisser!
Around 2:30 or 3, I was 7 centimeters. The nurses were so nice and told me how good I was doing and explained everything. All of a sudden, I wanted to push. They said go ahead. This was about 3:30. That felt so good. Paul and the nurse (Barb) – she was only 2 weeks in (OB) delivery. A pretty, young nurse, so sensitive. Would help me up and coach me to push!
I got so excited because they could see the little head and said it had hair. I was so happy. I got all kinds of energy again.
The nurse Gladys, bless her heart, got a big fan and put it right over my face. That felt so good. Here I was, trying to keep my hair nice and curly. HA! HA!
They put wet towels on my face and wiped around my hair. It was sticking out all over. Paul laughed cuz he knew if he did that, I would have really let him have it!!!
I caught myself looking in the mirror twice to see what I looked like. Wow, I didn't need a costume for Halloween!! Looked like I was electrocuted!!!
I felt I was so lucky my back and leg muscles were so strong (still say that was from high school gymnastics & track & dancing lessons when a little girl) that I didn't have any problems with leg cramping.
Oh! about those contractions, I invented some new methods of breathing. I sometimes tried 4 different ways in one!! I have good lungs!! Most of all, I would breathe 1, 2, 1, 2 in and out very hard. It did help.
I don't know the exact time I went into (the) delivery room, but I was only in there 4 contractions, maybe 1/2 hr in all. 2nd contraction I looked in (the) mirror. I could see (the) top of (the) head; it was beautiful. Next time I could see (the) head and one shoulder & arm. I can't explain the feeling.
Paul! That nut. He was all over (the) delivery room, & wanted to get every angle. He acted as if he wanted to play Doctor and deliver the baby.
Anyway, Dr. told me to do one more small push. Hold it, Hold it! and all of a sudden, what a relaxed, light feeling.
All I heard (was) "It's a girl," and she was screaming on her way out. They put her on a warming table beside me.
Paul and I looked at each other. We knew we had the same feeling. Can't describe (it)!! She was so pretty & pink, her head was a little lopsided, but it didn't matter. She was beautiful. I only needed a few stitches. I had just a small tear. I could have had 100 and wouldn't have noticed it! Dr showed Paul the placenta. He knew I was off in Never Never Land!! They turned me on my stomach. Wow, after 6 mo on my side & back, couldn't believe it.
Oh, all this time, Paul was dressed in a green gown, hat & mask, and covers for his shoes. Really cute!!
Then they turned me back on the wheel cart & gave me our beautiful daughter to hold. I couldn't believe it. She came from my stomach. All that kicking, hiccuping, exercise, and here she is. A part of Paul & I all in one little body. All toes, fingers, everything. They took the baby to the nursery and me to my room. I felt great!!
Paul got started on the telephone. First called home. Nyla (sister) answered she wouldn't believe me, took a lot of talking. After many phone calls, some visitors. Paul hadn't eaten all day. He went home at about 9:00. They brought the baby in at 9:30 until 11:00. I went to sleep at 12:00. Woke up at 1:00, 3:00, 4:00, and 6:30 came around.
I got her again. She was really prettier. Every time we see her, she is prettier!!
This notebook is a sweet gift from my Mom. She passed away in 2013, and I’m so grateful I found this story of my birthday.
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
– Oprah Winfrey
🎧 👉 Prefer audio? You can also listen to me share about this in podcast episode #016 here.
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