Charis Chats with Bill Protzmann – Musimorphic

charis chats Jul 01, 2024
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Meet Bill Protzmann, founder of Musimorphic. Bill's personal mission is to raise awareness of the power of music for self-care. For 30 years, he has taught people ranging from leaders in the C-suite to people living on the street, how to use the power of music for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Bill and I connected through a serendipitous connection on LinkedIn. Bill's work with Musimorphic involves using music to connect with and heal people. His approach is intuitive and deeply personal, showing up to sessions without a rigid plan but with the confidence that music will guide and heal.

One of the most enlightening parts of our conversation was understanding how music becomes a powerful tool in his coaching. Bill explained how he helps people access deep emotional and physiological insights by identifying the music that speaks to them at the current moment, listening to it, and seeing what it reveals.

Here's one of Bill's favorite quotes:

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”
– Mozart

The music you love is your most powerful music.

— Bill Protzmann

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