Charis Chats with Katie Ann Powell – Music and Money

charis chats Jun 10, 2024
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 I'm excited to share our latest episode of Charis Chats, where I had the pleasure of sitting down with the incredibly talented Katie Ann Powell, a professional harpist who has played for over 20 years in 7 different countries. She’s also a financial counselor…money and music…quite a combo, right?!

She is truly one of a kind. From hearing about her magical beginnings with the harp at a VERY young age to her transformative experience with financial literacy, I know you’ll find Katie Ann’s energy absolutely infectious.

I invite you to listen to this heartwarming and motivational episode. Whether you're a music enthusiast, someone seeking financial empowerment, or simply in need of some inspiration, this episode has something for everyone.

Here's one of Katie Ann's favorite quotes:

“To each, there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing…what a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared for that which could have been their finest hour.”

- Winston Churchill

"Confidence only comes through choices.

– Katie Ann Powell

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