I Painted this 2 Weeks After my Mom Died, while at a "Starting Over Intensive"
Feb 16, 2022
I was heartbroken, yet the Universe was on my side. My Mom passed away on Thanksgiving Day of 2013. I was already scheduled to attend a weekend workshop called "Starting Over Intensive" just 2 weeks later, at the home of Rhonda Britten, the founder of Fearless Living.
I'd been working with Rhonda for about a year over the phone and through her online courses. When she announced she was hosting an intimate group for a weekend "Starting Over Intensive" at her home that December, I quickly signed up.
She had years ago been the first life coach on TV, on a show called "Starting Over", and she modeled the weekend around the way she helped people on that show.
She assigned a special exercise to each of us that was very personalized and strategically chosen to help us with our biggest life issue at the time.
Since I had just lost my Mom, and Rhonda knew I was creative and loved art (yet hadn't been making time for it in my life at that time), she had me paint a picture for my Mom.
I painted the heart you see above. (Oh, and there's a whole story about the feathers and a book that magically appeared as I headed to the airport that weekend...I'll share that another time...)
Using the Fearless Living tools she developed, I made huge leaps in my life. If you know my story, then you know I had some trauma to work through that had me a bit stuck internally (although from the outside it looked all great).
If you don't know my story, then please go here to read about it; and if you prefer watching a 5-minute video I created to tell my story, you'll find that on the same page here.
Eventually, I became a Certified Fearless Living Coach and Certified Fearless Trainer.
I am honored to now help others break free from what is in the way of them living their most fulfilling lives.
Through participating in fabulous courses led by a masterful coach, I was personally guided to learn tips, tricks and tools to finally shape my life the way I had always dreamt about.
So now it's your turn.
I want to be your coach and guide you to shift your life however you secretly desire.
It's your time, and I can't wait to work with you!
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