10 Fun Facts About Me
Sep 12, 2023
🎧 👉 Prefer audio? You can also listen to me share more about this in podcast episode #074 here.
My birthday was last week, and I like to say I’m now at Level 48! (I did an episode and blog post a few months ago about thinking of your age as levels…go check it out here)
I thought it would be fun this week to share with you 10 fun facts about me! So here you go:
1️⃣ I grew up in Washington state (the southeastern side…it’s desert, and I came to appreciate tumbleweeds when I drove home to visit from college 😂)
2️⃣ I met my husband, Don, at UPS (the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA — not the shipping company 📦) Then we lived in San Francisco for 3 years (for Don’s dental school), Indiana for 2 years (his masters in orthodontics), and now live north of San Francisco 🏡
3️⃣ My 1st job was working for my parents’ business that started in our kitchen (🍝 Pasta Mama’s…ironically, I’m now gluten-intolerant)
4️⃣ As a kid, I loved to dance (🩰 ballet & jazz), create art (✏️ especially drawing), and do math (I seriously loved that homework!!)
(Go here for my prior episode and post about dancing, including some fun pics. Go here for my prior episode and post about art, which also includes some fun pics.
5️⃣ My entrepreneurial journey has spanned graphic design and branding, developing software, and my husband’s orthodontic practice 🦷. And now, as you know, I’m a Life Balance & Transition Coach — and my coaching credentials include becoming a Certified Fearless Living® Coach, Certified Fearless Trainer, and Positive Intelligence® Trainer.
6️⃣ I never learned to ride a 🚲 bike (different type of balance – ha!)
7️⃣ I love Broadway shows 🎭 and get 2 season tickets each year so different girlfriends can join me
8️⃣ I went skydiving with Don on a date in college (just 1 year after my family’s hot air balloon accident 😲) yet I was super calm and loved it 🪂
(Go here for my prior episode and post where I share a journal entry I wrote after going skydiving, and you'll also see a fun photo of Don and me after we landed!)
9️⃣ We love to travel! 🗺️ Some of my favorite trips: Africa, Iceland, New Zealand
🔟 There’s a trail camera on our property that captures pictures/videos of all kinds of critters 🦝🦊🦌🐰🐆🐿️🦨🦃🕊️🐦⬛🦉 We also have bird houses, and I absolutely love listening to birds. And some combination of turkeys, deer, rabbits, and squirrels walk by my office window every day.
Go to the links below to connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn (@charisyourlife), and then DM me to let me know if we have anything in common! Or go to the first pinned post on Instagram where I listed these facts and comment there. You can also scroll through the carousel of photos connected with that post to see some fun pictures.
As you may already know, I cover the raw truth of life in my podcast, my programs, and my coaching sessions — yet my approach as a coach and trainer includes bringing some lighthearted whimsy to the journey whenever possible. (Truth be told, I lived plenty of years wound up a bit too tight.) My job is to help you find more inner balance, peace of mind, and enjoy your life more. Do you really think you'd be inspired to do that by someone who reflected the stiff and serious aspects of life that you're trying to escape? I’m guessing not. So, I hope you enjoy following me and find supportive ways to Charis Your Life 😉
“A birthday is the start of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the ride.”
– Unknown
🎧 👉 Prefer audio? You can also listen to me share more about this in podcast episode #074 here.
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